
ThE BEginning

The journey that led to the creation of Kalamata Kouzina in Umhlanga / Sunningdale is a tale of a loving family, passion, and big love for food and people. It all began when the patriarch of the family the Yiayia ( Greek granny ), a life long experienced Greek chef, harbored a dream of sharing her heritage through food. Drawn by the allure of sharing the family recipes with the world, embarked on a daring venture, teaching her daughter " the mother " or well known as Gogo all her skills to start this beautiful family legacy and restaurant.

Kalamata KOuZina

With a heart full of determination and a suitcase of treasured family recipes, the sons, mother, and granny set out to establish a haven of authentic Greek cuisine in Umhlanga / Sunningdale. Through hard work, unwavering dedication, and a dash of serendipity, Kalamata Kouzina was born. Today, it stands as a testament to their courage and love for the flavours that bind them to their roots, inviting guests to embark on a gastronomic journey through Greece without leaving South African shores.


The menu at Kalamata Kouzina in Umhlanga / Sunningdale is a symphony of authentic Greek flavours, meticulously curated to offer a true taste of Greece. Each dish is a testament to the rich heritage that the family holds dear. From traditional classics to innovative creations, every item is prepared with precision and passion. Savory delights such as Moussaka, The best Gyros in South Africa, Spanakopita and Yiayia’s favourite the Pastitio are lovingly crafted, each bite evoking memories of Mediterranean kitchens. The signature Kalamata Souvla, Lamb ( 200grms ) chops, Chicken ( drums and thighs ) and Pork neck marinated to perfection, is a culinary masterpiece that captures the essence of the Ancient Greek way of cooking meat. All done on an open coal fire that is a spectacle to watch. For vegetarians, options like the traditional Greek salads or Mamas cabbage salad, the comforting Brinjal Saganki and the tradition roasted Greek Potatoes, showcase a delightful array of flavours. Complementing the amazing flavours is an extensive drinks selection, thoughtfully chosen to enhance the dining experience. The menu at Kalamata Kouzina is a wonder of flavours loved by all, inviting guests to savor the essence of Greece with every bite.


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HOt and COld DrinkS

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CakE and COnfECtiOnEry

SOmEthing SwEEt

Cakes and confectionery are the sweet symphony of any celebration, adding a touch of decadence and delight after every meal. From layered cakes with intricate frosting to delicate pastries that melt in your mouth, the world of Greek confectionery offers a diverse array of sugary delights. Classic choices like Bougatsa, Baklava, Loukoumathes or the crispy Portokalopita ( crispy orange phyllo pastry cake ) while specialty creations like the Greek coconut cake, Koulourakia, and Kourambiethes showcase the artistry of skilled homely Greek pastry. Whether it's a birthday, wedding, or simply a craving for something sweet, the Greek confectionery is definitely the way to go! It brings joy to every Greek home for centuries and it will bring joy to you, leaving a lasting impression that lingers on your taste buds forever.

Kalamata CakES

GrEEk COmmunity

  • GrEEk DanCing

    Greek dancing, a cultural gem, weaves history into lively movements. Accompanied by traditional music, it celebrates unity and pride. With graceful footwork, it tells tales of ancient traditions. Greek dancing is a vibrant emblem of shared heritage and enduring spirit.

  • BrEaking PlatES

    "Greeks breaking plates," a spirited tradition, punctuates celebrations with exuberance. This custom, rooted in cultural festivity, symbolizes joy and merriment. The smashing of plates, accompanied by music and dance, adds a dynamic flair to gatherings, embodying the vivacious spirit of Greek festivities.

  • COffEE CuP REading

    Greek Coffee Cup Reading, or tasseography, is a cherished tradition. After sipping Greek coffee, patterns in the remaining grounds are interpreted for insights into the future. Practiced by skilled "kafetzouliades," it weaves mysticism into Greek culture, captivating believers and seekers alike.

  • Panigiria

    Greek festivals like Panigiria are lively gatherings celebrating local saints. They feature traditional music, dance, and delicious food, bringing communities together in joyous revelry.

  • EaStEr Midnight SErViCES

    The heart of Greek Easter, midnight church services are solemn, marking the resurrection of Christ. Candle-lit processions and hymns create a spiritual atmosphere, symbolizing hope and rebirth.

  • WEddingS

    Greek weddings are rich in symbolism, from the crowning ceremony to the circle dance. These customs signify unity, love, and commitment, reflecting the sacred bond of marriage.

Come and join our Greek Community and ask about our Greek traditions.

IntErESting GrEEk FaCtS

  • Greece is made up of thousands of islands

  • Greece has 18 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

  • 80% of Greece is made up of mountains

  • No part of Greece is more than 137 kilometres away from the ocean

  • Greece has a diverse array of wildlife

  • More tourists visit Greece every year than the entire Greek population

  • The capital of Greece is named after the goddess Athena

  • Greece is the third largest producer of olives

  • Athens has more theaters than any other city in the world

  • There are more than 4,000 traditional dances in Greece

  • It’s one of the sunniest places in the whole world

  • Greek is one of the oldest languages still in use

GrEEk LanguagE

  • Yiasou

  • Kalimera
    Good morning

  • Kalispera
    Good day

  • Kalinixta
    Good night

  • Xoros

  • Palikaria

  • Ella Na Fame
    Let's Eat

  • Pame!
    Let's Go! -

  • Kalokairi

  • Thalassa

  • Agapi

  • Filaki

  • Omorfo

  • Fourno

  • Ikogenia